When I recline on the vibrant green cushion in the Cozby Library and Community Commons teen room, my muscles soften, my heart wraps itself in a warm blanket and my mind stops doing backflips.
Following a long school day filled with monotonous assignments, my favorite thing to do is walk 0.70 miles, holding a chilled drink from Taco Bell, to my place of comfort. I enter the building, adjust to its mild temperature and eagerly scan my surroundings, seeking the best place to sit.
The tall stools to the left accompany a quiet space where I can concentrate on my work, the teen room ahead allows me to freely engage in refreshing conversations with my friends and the confined conference rooms across the building provide an intimate area to do either.
The Cozby Library is located in the center of Coppell, convenient for community members. On Sunday afternoons, grandparents bring their grandchildren to check out books, Coppell High School students bring their group projects to collaborate and parents bring their children to youth centered events.

This haven has been a backbone for me throughout my high school career. It’s a place where I deepen the bonds I hold with my friends, vigorously study my hardest subjects, or not study and watch a heartwarming rom-com with a loved one.
I have had some of the most memorable moments within the Cozby Library’s colorful walls. Destressing from AP exams by making charming bracelets, practicing for speech tournaments in the summer and going out for walks to witness the sun setting on the lake outside are all memories I hold close to my heart.
Seeing the people working around me incentivises me to take inspiration and work harder on my own pursuits. The quiet and focused environment fosters the ideal place to finish my work.
Cozby Library is more than a library, it goes beyond its books. It’s a place where warmth and harmony bounce off its walls for the community. I’ll always feel content having it as a source of stability in my life. I’ll always look forward to the next time I can go.
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Originally posted 2023-11-03 01:41:47.